Taking Google Shopping to the Next Level

wishlistOver the year I’ve witnessed a lot of frustration about the lack of keywords in shopping campaigns. Oftentimes I wanted to to say, “Hey, actually…”. But it was too soon. I had to keep the secret.

A few months back, Kirk Williams published a 2014 Google Shopping Wishlist with keyword targeting being the number one wish. As it turns out, with Christmas shopping in full swing, Google still hasn’t fulfilled this wish and has given no indication that they ever will.

But now the time to reveal the secret has come. Let me show you how it’s done.

Marketing FestivalIn November I had the incredible honor to speak at Marketing Festival. This international conference with over a thousand passionate online marketers had only one track and only let a few hand picked experts speak. It was the perfect venue to reveal not only the tactic that enables us to bid on individual keywords, but also a complete strategy that utilizes this tactic on a larger scale.

All of the presentations were filmed in awesome quality. They sell them all for 40 Euros (about 50 US Dollars), but I was able to convince them to let me show mine here. So – enjoy this handsome German explaining how to take Google Shopping to the next level.

Now I’d ask for your comments but if you want to get to work right away, I understand 😉

After countless of comments, discussions and consulting hours about this strategy, I’ve written a guide about dealing with common pitfalls: Troubleshooting the Google Shopping Search Query Segmentation