New AdWords Report Editor: How to Gain Access

Report TypesThe new AdWords Report Editor has rolled out to all accounts. Yes it has. Months ago.

However, only few of them actually provide a link to the get to the editor. Still, as long as you know the URL, you can use the editor without any further problem or limitation. So until Google gets around to give you the link, let me help out.

If you log into your AdWords account directly, it’s pretty easy: The URL for your Report Center is simply

If you are using an MCC to access your clients’ accounts it’s a little more complicated since each client account has its own Report Center with its own URL. To provide an easy solution for this I’ve written the following tools.

Tool 1: Generate your own URL’s

Go to one of your AdWords client accounts and copy the URL from your browser’s address bar. Then paste it into the following form to get the URL for the same client’s Report Center.

Tool 2: … or simply use this Bookmarklet

Even easier: Drag this bookmarklet to your browser’s toolbar or bookmarks. Then go into an AdWords account, click the bookmarklet, and it will take you to the account’s Report Editor.

Drag this to your toolbar or bookmarks: Current Client's Report Center

Your Move, Google

Last time I tweeted how to get the right URL to see the new Report Center, Google changed it a little later. This time I hope Google simply provides the correct links directly in AdWords, making these workarounds obsolete.

Happy reporting!


The small print

Both tools are pure JavaScript that runs in your browser. They don’t do much, but still I won’t provide any warrenty or support. As far as privacy is concerned: Usage isn’t tracked since everything happens in your own browser. To review the code you can check this page’s source code where I’ve included an easier to read version of the bookmarklet’s code as well.